Wednesday, January 26, 2005

On-line purchase of AntiVirus software

A problem has arisen when I upgraded my antivirus software. The product in question comes from one of the top 3 or 4 suppliers in this field, a company I have always had trust in. In the past, I have always purchased my antivirus software off the shelf, generally a product from this company. Just prior to xmas, I decided to do an online upgrade, paying, (with permission), via my flatmates credit card. The payment has been taken from the credit card company but my upgrade has not been confirmrd or even acknowledged. I have raised this problem with our local area online sales people and all I get is eithor a 'pay-per-minute' ph num or a collection of url's to get help from. In the meantime, I am having to manually clean my system and put up with these annoying pop-ups stating that my AV liscence has expired....!
I wonder, should I
a] name the company in question
b] attempt to take legal action for web based fraud
c] try to reason with their complaints dept again
d] direct them to read this post prior to a combination of a,b,c
e] some other reasonable action
Sugestions are welcome, preferably not those inviting me to take an unusual phisical action or to improve my spelling. I would like to see some practical, pertinent

Tuesday, January 04, 2005

What is it with Christians?

What is it that makes them push their bigoted, chauvinistic, narrow-minded view down everybody else's throats in some bizarre misconception that their's is the only possible way to live?
Perhaps I am wrong and this only happens in predominantly english speaking countries with a high caucasian demographic.
What about it people? Do you get 'born again Bhuddists' or 'new age Shinto' or etc leaping out from all over screaming that they have the only solution to the worlds problems?
Seriously, how many of these so called Christians actually have a 'christian attitude' i.e. turn the other cheek, help your fellow man no matter what their race/creed/colour?
Also, how many of them actually bothered reading the bit in the Bible where Christ instructed his followers not to worship him but his Father?
Not being an actual student of comparative religion myself, I'm not sure how many other religions there are out there with as many or more rewrites and rewordings of their prime holy book. As far as I know, neithor the Torah nor the Koran have been butchered about as much as the Old (torah) and the New (assorted stories wrtten over several hundred years) Testaments of the Christian Bible. (Not even going into the previous editing done with the Roman Catholic, Protestant, Greek Orthodox, Russian Orthodox, Baptist etc variants).


I suppose a possible use for this space would be to use it to publish all the scribe notes I never get around to doing for the various RPGs I'm in.......nah, too easy.
I'll just do what most others do and use it to post stuff of no possible interest to anyone else .

A Reason?

I created this blog as a place to post random junk, and also so that if I make comments on other peoples blogs, they have somewhere to lay the blame. Most of my comments on other blogs are restricted to the public ones of web cartoons.